Case Study: Medication Free Treatment Succeeds Where Pharmacy Products Fail
Part widening, frontal hair line receding and diffuse hair all over, Janette’s* concern about the detrimental effect her hair quality was having on her appearance continued to grow as the loss progressed. For eight years Janette’s hair quality had been gradually deteriorating. And in that time she had tried specialty shampoos and leave-in treatments, but none of the hair loss solutions she had tried worked.
A simple Google search revealed the impressive results Ashley and Martin were able to achieve with our treatment methods and the excellent reputation we have with current and past clients. Janette called to book her own free consultation.
The scalp examination performed by her consultant confirmed that just like her grandmother, Janette was suffering from female pattern hair loss. Unlike her grandmother who had started to lose her hair in her forties, however, Janette was only 32. Genetic hair loss was a problem that affected both men and women alike in her family. Her maternal uncle and paternal grandfather also suffered.
The consultant offered two potential solutions to Janette’s hair loss. One, a medical hair regrowth treatment program complemented by in-house laser therapy; the other a home-based laser therapy treatment routine with the view to adding in a medical program if a boost in results was needed.
After considering her options for a few days, Janette returned to meet with the clinic doctor. After a check-up and having all her questions answered, Janette opted to take the more natural option. She purchased a LaserPlus Pro device and began to perform her own treatment at home.
In time, people who did not know Janette was treating hair loss were complementing her on how much fuller and healthier her hair was looking. It had taken longer than if she had undergone a medical hair loss treatment, but the results still spoke for themselves. Janette felt great seeing her hair become thicker and healthier. She still underwent periodic shedding phases, but they were not nearly as bad as they used to be and her overall hair density was drastically improved. Using pharmacy shampoos and treatments daily had not yielded any results at all, but wearing a simple Laser Cap every other day for a few minutes had given Janette the hair and confidence boost she was looking for.
*name changed to protect privacy
*name changed to protect privacy