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February 02, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Trichologist Assists Female Patient

Robynne* was concerned about the amount of hair fall she had been experiencing over the previous month and a half.  Seeking medical advice from her GP she was diagnosed with Telogen Effluvium (TE) but given no treatment options and told not to worry as she still had plenty of hair.

Although her brother had begun to lose his hair, Robynne had no women in her family who had experienced hair loss to talk to about this issue.  Instead she called Ashley and Martin to make an appointment to speak to someone who could help.

Her consultant, a trichologist, noted upon examination that Robynne had a “triangle shaped area of extensive loss across the front hair line” which extended back into her part.  Robynne said she was concerned her long hair had lost its life and body and the consultant agreed her hair appeared “a bit dry and lacklustre”.  She went on to say that while washing her hair she had noticed hair was falling out.  The consultant noted it was unusual to see a woman’s hair line receding in this manner and as well as the TE Robynne was diagnosed with by her doctor, there were genetic hair loss factors at play causing her part to widen.

Her consultant recommended two options for treatment for Robynne’s hair loss, either a medications program or the use of an in home laser device.  As a regular migraine sufferer, Robynne was mindful of the medications she took but wanting the treatment with the fastest results, Robynne opted for the medications program.  Robynne’s consultant then advised alternative medications that would be safe to use if she chose to proceed with treatment with Ashley and Martin.

At her 4 month check-up, Robynne said she was finding the program easy to adhere to and was being vigilant about attending fortnightly laser treatments in the clinic.  Her progress photos at this stage showed the thinning triangle of hair in the front was beginning to cover over as was the recession at her temples ; the hair at her part was also becoming denser.    By the time she returned to her consultant for an 8 month progress check-up, Robynne was thrilled with the results of her program to date.  Not only could she see the new hair growing in, but her friends are complementing her on it as well.  In Robynne’s words “it was worth every cent”.


*Name changed to protect privacy

*name changed to protect privacy

