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March 22, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Case Study: Ashley and Martin client looks forward to further hair loss treatment results

Lea’s* hair was extremely thin. She was only 25 years old and wanted to wear her hair up when she dressed up with her friends without feeling embarrassed about the state of her hair. She was young, highly educated and working in a job she loved, Lea’s hair was the only thing in her life that she did not feel good about.

She had thought about seeking treatment on and off over the past 2 years. Now, with 6 years of hair loss leading to the extremely fine hair she had now, she decided it was time to do something further about it before it was too late. She had already seen a trichologist about her hair loss and although they had worked hard to find a solution together, Lea’s hair continued to shed.

Lea met with a consultant who invited her to talk about how she felt about her hair loss and the options she had already tried to treat it. Lea was placed at a level III on the Ludwig scale and her consultant listened as Lea explained the emotional stress she had been under.

A RealGROWTH® treatment plan was offered to Lea to treat her hair. After hearing about how each of the medications and therapies would assist her in regrowing her hair she briefly discussed it with her mother who had attended the appointment with her before signing up for a program. Although stress is a major contributing factor in female hair loss the consultant also sent Lea for blood tests. Lea saw the in clinic doctor and it was discovered she had an iron deficiency, another major contributor to women’s hair loss.

Five months after she had walked in to the consultant’s office for the first time she returned for a progress check-up. Looking at her original photos side by side with the ones taken at the check-up Lea was invited to decide for herself if the treatment was working. Lea could see how much thicker her hair was getting already and was looking forward to seeing further regrowth by the end of her program.




*name changed for privacy reasons

*name changed to protect privacy

