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November 03, 2015 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Case Study 13 – Female Pattern Hair Loss

Fifty-seven years old and finding a worrying amount of fallen hair on her clothes, Rose* called Ashley and Martin hoping to find some way of stopping the hair loss which affected the women in her family around menopause age.  A biopsy taken by a dermatologist had already confirmed Rose was suffering from Female Pattern Hair Loss. She also suffered from several other health conditions, the medications for which had the potential side effect of hair loss.

After speaking with her consultant Rose made the decision to go ahead and enrol on a RealGROWTH® program; she also spoke at length with our clinic doctor about her existing health conditions and treatments she was undergoing for these.  Satisfied Rose’s other medications would not be adversely affected by commencing on the RealGROWTH® program, the doctor was happy for her to continue on this course of action.

Rose came to see the doctor again 8 weeks after enrolling on her RealGROWTH® program to discuss concerns that her hair was still shedding although she had been taking her medication as directed and attending laser treatments.  Her doctor discussed with her the side effects of the 3 medications she had been prescribed by her GP were causing excessive hair loss and the medication she was taking from Ashley and Martin was stopping it from being far worse.  Rose felt reassured by this news and was encouraged by the doctor to continue using the RealGROWTH® solution for another 2 months until the growth cycle of the hair had completed, at this stage the shedding should slow down or stop.

It was less than 2 months before Rose needed to come to the clinic to see her consultant again.  After receiving burns to her scalp from having her hair coloured at her hair dresser, Rose came in for a check-up to assess the damage.  Relieved to find the damage had been minor and there were no lasting effects to her newly growing hair, Rose continued to use her RealGROWTH® solution and added in another complimentary medication she had been neglecting to take from the beginning of her program.  Rose was delighted to find she had not needed to incur any out of pocket expenses to have her concerns met as free check-ups with her consultant and doctor as needed are included in all RealGROWTH® programs.

Five months after coming to Ashley and Martin Rose is delighted to find her shedding has stopped and her hair has begun to grow back.  Her scalp no longer shows through her thin, lifeless hair and the medications she has to take from her GP are not negatively impacting the way she looks and feels about herself.


*Name changed for privacy reasons.

*name changed to protect privacy

